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Holo Tree Jewelry
Holo Tree Jewelry (HTJ) are beautiful, one of a kind, beneficial energy products. There are a variety of crystal energies working together in each pendant & necklace, that helps support your bio-field for healing. They may be supportive during meditations, in crowded environments, special occasions, and day to day activities, etc.
Holo Tree Jewelry (HTJ) helps with boosting, balancing & optimizing, stabilizing & fortifying your biofield. They radiate uplifting and healing energies that works with your aura (which are subtle energy fields that permeate the living body). HTJ enhances energetic flow throughout meridians (electrical pathways throughout the body), giving the wearer more vitality, and may assist in clearing one’s energy blockages.
Visit our Ebay Store for special sale prices on select items like HoloTreeJewelry! https://www.ebay.com/usr/theholotree